Monday, October 08, 2007
First off, my tap teacher asked me to join the more advanced performance group she has. That's the first time in my life I have been asked to join something more advanced, so, that's pretty cool. :)
Second, my boss actually complimented me on my clothing. About two weeks ago he pulled me and Mel aside and told us that when we moved into our new building we needed to start dressing better. So, I went out and bought new work outfits, and he actually complimented me on one of them.
Third, we moved into our new building for work. And, as cold as it is here, it's pretty nice.
And, I have my first rehearsal at the Hale tomorrow night. Scary, but exciting. :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
First off, on Monday I went and auditioned for A Christmas Carol at The Hale Theatre in Orem. I had auditioned there in the past for Footloose, and I didn't even make a callback (the first time in my life, actually). Well, after I sang, the music director looked at me and asked, "Did you audition for Fiddler on the Roof last year?" Which I had, at the Scera, so I said so. And she looked at me and said, "I thought I recognized you. You have a beautiful voice." So, I of course thanked her. It made me happy that she remembered me. Then they looked at my resume, and the director noticed that I had gone to Western Wyoming, and he started asking me questions about it. I talked to him about it for a few minutes. And then the musical director kind of looked around and said, "We're calling her back, right?" And the director said, "Yes, we're calling you back." Then one of the other people said, "OK, keep your Saturday morning open. We'll be calling you by Friday to tell you where and when." So, thus, I made callbacks at The Hale.
Then, the rest of the week kind of passed in a blur. I had my first tap class on Wednesday night. It was a lot of fun, and I realized that I remembered more than I thought I would.
Friday we had my roommate's sister's birthday party at our apartment, and it was awesome! But, by the time I went to bed I still hadn't heard anything from the theatre. This was really weird. They had specifically told me they were calling me back, and to just wait for call to say where and when. I couldn't fathom why they would tell me that, and then not call me. And, I'll be honest that I went to bed praying hardcore about it. And, I had set my alarm for around 9 to call the box office and see if they knew anything. And, my last thought as I fell asleep while I was praying about it was, "Everything will work out the way it is supposed to. It will all be OK." Well, I woke up wide awake the next morning around 8:40, or so, and decided to grab the phone book and call the box office and see if they knew anything. I found out by calling that they didn't even open until 10. So, I was sitting on my couch deciding what I should do. I thought about making myself breakfast and then calling at 10. But, then the thought hit me, "I should just go. I should just drive by the theatre and see if anyone is there yet this morning. And talk to them." So, I got dressed really quickly and headed over to the theatre. The parking lot was full, so I went downstairs and talked to the stage manager. I told him what happened, and he said, "Just go in." So, I went in, and they were singing Angels We Have Heard On High in parts. They had probably started around 9:30, and I got there about 9:35. I only got to run the song once before she had us go up in groups of 8, two per part, and sing. So, my callback was only the second time I had ever sang the part. Which was kind of weird. After that she had us all sing it in quartets. Then, she told us she was going to call up people to sing it again in quartets, but that it "didn't mean anything", she just wanted to hear some different combinations. I was one of the two altos that she had sing it again. Then she went in and talked to the director for a few minutes and told us we could go, and that we would hear sometime this next week, and that rehearsals weren't going to start until after the first week in October. Well, I found out later that they told people who had been called back for official parts that we would hear by Monday. And, let me tell you, I think it was Divine Inspiration that told me to just go to the theatre. I'm pretty sure that Someone up there heard my prayers. :)
OK, so, yesterday night I went to FHE up the canyon, where I didn't really have phone service. When we got done, I noticed that I had a missed call and a message from a number I didn't recognize. Because we were in the canyon, I had to wait awhile to be able to get the message. But, when I finally got it, it was the stage manager telling me that they wanted to offer me the part of an alto in the choir. There are only 2 altos in the choir, so that's pretty awesome!
OK, so that is my whole week. It pretty much revolved around the Hale auditions. I hope I haven't bored you all with my story. But, I can tell you that I have a stronger testimony of God listening to and answering our prayers. :)
Friday, September 14, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
No One by Ally & Aj
I am moving through the crowd
Trying to find myself
Feel like a guitar that's never played
Will someone strum away?
And I ask myself
Who do I wanna be?
Do I wanna throw away the key?
and invent a whole new me
and I tell myself
No One, No One
Don't wanna be
No One
But me..
You are moving through the crowd
Trying to find yourself
Feel like a doll left on a shelf
Will someone take you down?
And you ask yourself
Who do I wanna be?
Do I wanna throw away the key?
and invent a whole new me
Gotta tell yourself
No One, No One
Don't wanna be
No One
But me..
Your life lays out on the shadows of the wall
You turn the light on to release it all
You wonder what's it's like to not feel worthless
So open all the blinds and turn those curtains
No One, No One
Don't wanna be
No One
But me..
When you're moving through the crowd...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Anyway, we got two new roommates this weekend, which is going to be interesting. Actually, in the last week we've gotten three new roommates total, so now our apartment is full. This is the first time since last January that we've had a full apartment. We had kind of gotten used to spreading our stuff out, and doing what we liked when we liked. Well, that is going to all change. I'm foreseeing a future of having to schedule events in my apartment weeks in advance. Not used to that. :( Oh well, it will all work out in the end, I guess.
And, guess what! I died my hair again. It's kind of a dark brown color. Now, funny story about that. I went to buy a hair piece for the show I'm in, and they only had two colors, REALLY blonde, or brown. Well, at the time, my hair was kind of a reddish blonde at the time, so, I made a decision to buy a hair piece, and dye my hair to match. Well, I think it turned out alright. I definitely look different. My eyes look even more blue than usual, which is always good.

Friday, August 31, 2007
So, Monday was actually a pretty good day. I, of course, worked all day, and then I had a show that night. The show went pretty well. My mom and Grandma came, and they really liked it. After, some friends came over and we watched Phantom of the Opera and ate ice cream.
Tuesday, also a pretty good day. At work, the owner came and started talking to me. I was kind of afraid it was going to be a "We'd really like you to leave" talk. Thankfully, it wasn't. He told me that they really like me, and started to talk to me about the new office we are moving into very soon. Also I'd say it was one of the most productive of the week. After work I went home and cleaned until about 11 with my roommate. We were getting a new roommate, so we wanted to make sure our apt looked nice, and that there was room for her in any of the bedrooms. (A side note on this day that will affect the rest of the week. During cleaning we had to unplug my alarm clock and move it. I plugged it back in and set the time.)
So, Wednesday morning dawned bright and early with me lying in my bed thinking about how rested I felt for not getting a lot of sleep. As I was laying there I was wondering what time it was and how long it would be before my alarm went off. So, I put on my glasses and looked at the clock, and I believe the first words out of my mouth were "What the crap? You've gotta be freakin' kidding me!" The clock said that it was 8:54, which means I was almost two hours late to work! Well, the first thing I did was get on my cell phone and call my supervisor. When I told her the story, she just laughed and told me that the same thing happened to her every morning. This made me feel a little better, but, I still was very frustrated. The day after Frank tells me they like me, I go and sleep in. But, because of the extra sleep, I did feel much better and more rested. I'll tell ya, though, I got ready so fast that morning. :)
OK, so, Thursday, all in all it wasn't really a bad day. That is, until I was on the phone with FedEx and started crying. I'm not exactly sure what set me off, but, as I was talking I could feel my face getting hot, and then I started crying. I had to hang up on the lady, and go into my supervisor's office, and she had to finish the call for me, because I couldn't even talk. That was so weird.
Anyway, it's Friday now, and we are about to enter in to a 3-day-weekend, and I'm stoked!
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Quirkyalone
Loners are the last true romantics
—By Sasha Cagen, To-Do List (
September/October 2000 Issue
I am, perhaps, what you might call deeply single. Almost never ever in a relationship. Until recently, I wondered if there might be something weird about me. But then lonely romantics began to grace the covers of TV Guide and Mademoiselle. From Ally McBeal to Sex in the City, a spotlight came to shine on the forever single. If these shows had touched such a nerve in our culture, I began to think, perhaps I was not so alone after all. The morning after New Year's Eve (another kissless one, of course), a certain jumble of syllables came to me. When I told my friends about my idea, their faces lit up with instant recognition: the quirkyalone.
If Jung was right, that people are different in fundamental ways that drive them from within, then the quirkyalone is simply to be added to the pantheon of personality types collected over the 20th century. Only now, when the idea of marrying at age 20 has become thoroughly passÈ, are we quirkyalones emerging in greater numbers.
We are the puzzle pieces who seldom fit with other puzzle pieces. Romantics, idealists, eccentrics, we inhabit single-dom as our natural resting state. In a world where proms and marriage define the social order, we are, by force of our personalities and inner strength, rebels.
For the quirkyalone, there is no patience for dating just for the sake of not being alone. We want a miracle. Out of millions, we have to find the one who will understand.
Better to be untethered and open to possibility: living for the exhilaration of meeting someone new, of not knowing what the night will bring. We quirkyalones seek momentous meetings.
By the same token, being alone is understood as a wellspring of feeling and experience. There is a bittersweet fondness for silence. All those nights alone--they bring insight.
Sometimes, though, we wonder if we have painted ourselves into a corner. Standards that started out high only become higher once you realize the contours of this existence. When we do find a match, we verge on obsessive--or we resist.
And so, a community of like-minded souls is essential. Since fellow quirkyalones are not abundant (we are probably less than 5 percent of the population), I recommend reading the patron saint of solitude: German poet Rainer Maria Rilke. Even 100 years after its publication, Letters to a Young Poet still feels like it was written for us: "You should not let yourself be confused in your solitude by the fact that there is something in you that wants to break out of it," Rilke writes. "People have (with the help of conventions) oriented all their solutions toward the easy and toward the easiest side of easy, but it is clear that we must hold to that which is difficult."
Rilke is right. Being quirkyalone can be difficult. Everyone else is part of a couple! Still, there are advantages. No one can take our lives away by breaking up with us. Instead of sacrificing our social constellation for the one all-consuming individual, we seek empathy from friends. We have significant others.
And so, when my friend asks me if being quirkyalone is a life sentence, I say, yes, at the core, one is always quirkyalone. But when one quirkyalone finds another, oooh la la. The earth quakes.Monday, August 20, 2007
The moral of this story: I think I need to start going to bed earlier and getting more restful sleep.
Friday, August 17, 2007
We came up with this a couple of weeks ago while talking about going to church the next morning. I remember saying something like, "Well, I'll see how I feel in the morning. If I don't feel well, I won't go." And then, it kind of hit us. How often have you made a justification for not doing something you should do? And, at the time, it seems fine. But, small things make a big impact in the long run. I have found, as I make excuses not to go to church, it becomes easier and easier to make them every week. That's just a thought for all you out there.
Also, I have been thinking about forgiveness a lot lately. Heaven knows I'm not very good at it. It is one of my biggest struggles. The Savior said, "Do these things to the least of my brethren and ye do them to me. Do not do these things to the least of my brethren, and ye have not done them to me." For some reason, that really hit me yesterday. So, that means, if we don't forgive people, it's like not forgiving the Savior. How would that be? To do everything right in your life, but to not forgive someone of some petty wrong, and to make it to Heaven and be told you can't pass into the Celestial kingdom, because of that lack of forgiveness. It kind of puts a whole new perspective on things, doesn't it?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
-People who expect different results from doing the same damn thing over again. Anyone who has taken science can tell you, the same experiments almost always produce the same results.
-Boys who play games
-Girls who play games
-People who don't know what they want
-People who expect you to read their mind
-People who only talk to you on your birthday, or theirs
-Losing contact
-Not being able to put into words the way you really feel, and then feeling like an idiot for it
-Bad customer service
-Rude people
OK, I'm done ranting. Carry on. . .
Friday, August 10, 2007
You Loved Me Anyway
I was lost and Lonely
Didn't understand your plan
I didn't know how you could do it
You were just a man
You loved me anyway
When I couldn't love myself
You were by my side
I am never alone
I was in the darkness
But you could still see me
You reached out your hand
Now I understand
You loved me anyway
When I couldn't love myself
You were by my side
I am never alone
I was blind, now I see
You brought out the Spirit in me
You loved me anyway
When I couldn't love myself
You were by my side
I am never alone
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another day, another dollar, right? Well, I just found out they are going to make my job even harder, and add on more stuff for me to do, but, no pay raise. Just, "Oh, you're going to learn to do Mel's job. New receptionist? Not yet. Just deal with it for a couple of months." Ha! Right! Like I don't have enough to do already. And, to top it all off, my computer sucks! It is sooooooooo slllllooooowwww.
Anyway. . . On to other news. . .
I think I'm becoming a totally different person. I mean, not literally. :) But, a lot of the things that used to bug me, don't bug me anymore, and a lot of the things that never would have bothered me in the past, almost bring me to tears. What is it with my life right now? I've been trying to be a better person. You know, going to church, reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, and not watching rated "R" movies. But, I still can't explain how it's changing me. I'm sure it's a good thing.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Those of you who read this blog often will note that I have had several dreams that were prophetic. I actually have them quite a lot, but I don't usually remember them until I have feelings of deja vu. Well, I had one of those dreams last night, I think. I don't want to be too personal on here, but, it involved a boy, and that's about all I'm going to say. It was one of those dreams that is so real that when you wake up, you don't realize it was just a dream until about the time you start eating your breakfast, or when you're halfway through your shower. And, I think a lot of you will know what I'm talking about.
Anywho. . . So, it's been kind of weird the past couple of days. I think I'm going through one of my "girly" phases. I wake up, and the first thing I think about is what I'm going to wear that day. If you know me, you know that is not me. I never care about what I'm wearing, or what I look like. But, this morning, I couldn't find the skirt I wanted to wear, and I almost cried. I mean, it's not like I don't have other black skirts, I just really wanted to wear this one. Usually, when I get up, the first thing I do is put my contacts in, then throw my hair in a pony tail, and then go and just grab the first clean clothes I can find. This morning I was almost late to work because I actually took time to style my hair, and pick out nice clothes. I just don't understand it. . . I feel exactly the same as I always did, but, it's like, inside, I'm starting to care what people think of me, which has never happened before. I've always been my own person, who wears what she wants, when she wants. Who cares if my clothes match or not? Certainly not me. But, apparently my sub-conscious cares. :P
Anyway. . . Moving on. I think that's all I need to rant about today.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Anyway, something interesting happened to me this morning. I signed in to gmail, like I do every morning, and I saw a link at the top of the page that interested me. Anyone who uses gmail knows that they post links to recent news stories on the top of the page, and, every so often, I click on one. The one this morning was about a shooting in Newark New Jersey. Four kids, not much younger than I, got shot. Three died almost instantly, and another is in the hospital in critical condition, after being shot in the head. I was reading this at my desk, and I just started crying. Now, I'm a pretty emotional person, and a lot of things will make me cry, but, this just hurt. They interviewed members of the victims families, and I just wanted to be there with them.
So much bad stuff has happened lately in our world. This was just the proverbial icing on the cake. I don't know, maybe I care too much, but, sometimes it's really hard to get up in the morning knowing that it's just going to be another day where something really bad will happen. Most of the time we all just live in our happy little worlds, not even knowing what is going on around us. I guess that what really makes me sad is the fact that, most of us haven't experienced any of these tragedies first hand, but a lot of us are walking around acting like we got the short end of the stick. Maybe I'm not married, but I'm alive, and I live a relatively good life. I have lots of friends who care about me. My family loves me.
The end is near, but, my end isn't.

Monday, June 18, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Weird. . .
Monday, March 19, 2007

So, I had another weird dream this weekend. . . I dreamed that my director for Guys and Dolls and I got in a fight over tattoos. In the dream, he told me that the reason I didn't get a bigger part in the show is because I have a tattoo on my leg. He told me that directors don't cast people with tattoos. Weird. I didn't even know that I was bugged about this until my dream. I guess it goes to show that your subconscious really is working all the time.
Also, opening weekend went pretty well. Friday night was amazing! The audience was so with us. They laughed at things that I didn't even realize were funny. It was kind of cool. And, Saturday's audience was pretty good, too. Our performance was not quite as good, but, one scene, with me, Adam and Danielle went the best it's ever been. We walked off stage and all that Danielle and I could say was how on we were. It was pretty cool.
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Do you ever find yourself in the middle of a dream that is so real that when you wake up you have to talk yourself out of it? Well, that happened to me last night. I had a dream about a guy that I really like, really love, actually. In the dream, we were dating, and it was really good. It was so good, that when I woke up I thought it actually happened. It wasn't until I was brushing my teeth that I figured out the truth. My mind made the whole thing up. Sad day. :(
On a lighter note, Guys and Dolls opens tomorrow night. AAAAUUUGGGHHH!!! I'm really nervous. I know everything is starting to pull together, and that makes me happy, but I'm still scared.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Last night we got out of rehearsal earlier than Monday, but it still wasn't super early. We were done running the show by a little after 10, but, we had notes that lasted until after 11. So, suffice it to say, I didn't get to sleep before midnight. But, I have kind of reached a point where I am getting giggly, and stupid. Trying to focus on work is rough right now.
I finally got my costumes for the play on Monday night, and my Havana costume is HOT, if I do say myself. I also am a cowgirl in the first scene, and that is pretty cool, also.
Wow, not much to say. I wish I was more interesting today, but my synapses are not quite firing right. :)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Let me tell you, I am so tired, but happy to be alive. :)
Last night I had rehearsal sooooooo late. I got there at 6, but I didn't get home until after midnight. And, by the time I got to sleep it was after 1, so, this morning when my alarm went off, I wanted to die. But, I got up anyway, and here I am, at work.
OK, so I have said that I love being single, but, sometimes, I just want to have somebody. It would be nice to have someone to come home to on those late nights who actually realized I was gone. My roommates are great, but, it's just not the same.
Anyway, moving on to something else. . .
I spent about an hour and a half on my floor curling my hair yesterday, and I have never felt so attractive. I curled it for rehearsal, and, let me tell you, I looked hot. I wore my bright blue Los Hermanos shirt, which makes my eyes look amazing, and my cowboy hat (kind of cheesy, but it looked cool). It was the best I've felt in a long time. I think I need to do my hair more often. Once I'm able to go to sleep early again maybe I'll start getting up early to do my hair.
Monday, March 12, 2007
K, so a conversation I had Friday night.
"You thought you were smart."
"But then you came to BYU."
"You thought you were talented."
"But then you came to BYU."
"You thought you were spiritual."
"But then you cam to BYU."
"You thought you were attractive."
"But then you came to BYU."
This conversation went on and on for about 20 minutes. I always thought this was pretty funny, but Jen thought it was even more hilarious than I did.
But, you know, it's very true. BYU is a very good school, but it always seems like your best isn't good enough. You're always surrounded by people who are much better at things than you are. I mean, there aren't many people who go to BYU who didn't have a 4.0 in high school. Or who haven't played the piano for, like, 20 years. Or, who were their Laurel presidents. It's kind of daunting sometimes. It's not like other colleges in that way. At other colleges, there are always the people who have parents paying for them, and never do anything, and they manage to basically sleep through school for 4 or 5 years. But, at BYU, if you don't get good enough grades, they put you on academic probation and kick you out if you can't get your act together. Sad, but true.
Anyway. Fun weekend of lots of rehearsal. :) We open on Friday night, and I'm kind of scared about it pulling together. I know it will, because it always does, but, it still scares me. :(
Friday, March 09, 2007

So, apparently I am fighting a losing battle with the candy machine at work. I made it all day yesterday without purchasing anything. But, I had a bag of apples at my desk, and every time I had an urge to grab my wallet, I grabbed an apple instead. But, sadly, I am out of apples today, and the machine is now calling my name, and I'm afraid I'm going to heed to its beckoning. :(
And, that one thing that I told that one person, I don't think I should have, because now I'm hurt. And, it's not their fault, I think I hurt myself. I don't want to be sad about it, but I am. Every time I look at them, it makes me more sad. Ah well, life goes on.
Things that must go:
Middle school boys who don't wash their hair.
Late rehearsals.
Missing someone you can't have.
Candy machines!! :)
Things that must stay:
Warm fleece blankets.
Sleeping in.
Early rehearsals.
Bootleg jeans.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
It's been a while since I've posted a blog on here, so lots has happened in my life. But, I'll skip to the good parts.
First off. . . In May I got a new job at a car dealership. And while it was fun, at first, now I'm totally over it. I love the people I work with, but I'm totally ready to move on.
Second. . . My love life is still non-existent. I've liked some boys, but, alas, things have gone nowhere. Also, I'm still kind of pining over that one guy from a long time ago. I'm mostly moved on, but, I still think about him sometimes.
OK, enough of that. I'm on to other things.
Things that must go:
Salesmen getting mad at me because they didn't do their job right in the first place.
Being 8 days from opening night and having no costumes. But, not the director's fault. :(
Being in the "friend zone". Anyone else who has been or is there will no exactly what I mean. If you don't know, you're a lucky person. Hope you never do find out.
Contact lenses and glasses. 'nuff said.
Skinny jeans.
Girls jeans on boys!! Ewe!!
Angry customers.
Boys who have longer hair than I do. And now that's a pretty big thing, because my hair is getting long. :)
Having uncontrollable crying or laughing fits.
Things that must stay:
Cute boys.
Happy co-workers.
Chicken burritos with green sauce from Cafe Rio.
Fuji Apples.
Sugar Babies.
Long hair on me. :)