Thursday, October 30, 2008

Proposition 8

OK, so I've been really trying hard to stay away from this topic, but, if you are a Facebook friend, I'm sure you've noticed that I've started posting things about it lately.  The more I read and understand it, the more I think it should pass.

First off, I think one thing that people need to know is that THIS IS ABOUT CALIFORNIA.  Of course, if it passes there, I'm sure it will move on to other states.  

In California, domestic partnerships have the SAME RIGHTS as actual married couples, so this IS NOT about gay rights.  This is about something much bigger.

Did you know that in Massachusetts they have started teaching children about gay parents in Kindergarten?  And, judges have ruled that parents have NO RIGHT to know what their children are being taught about it.  One man was sent to jail because he believed firmly enough in knowing what his children were being taught.  

If we don't pass Prop 8 in California, we may lose our rights as parents to decide what our children learn.  

Our churches might also lose their tax exempt statuses if they refuse to perform gay marriages.  

Guys, I have gay friends, and I love them to death, but this is not about their rights, as they have the same rights.  This is about making religious persecution constitutional, and I can't have that on my conscious.