Monday, October 08, 2007

You know, I always intend to update this every day, but then stuff happens, and it ends up being every week or two. But, I guess it's OK, because not a lot has happened recently.

First off, my tap teacher asked me to join the more advanced performance group she has. That's the first time in my life I have been asked to join something more advanced, so, that's pretty cool. :)

Second, my boss actually complimented me on my clothing. About two weeks ago he pulled me and Mel aside and told us that when we moved into our new building we needed to start dressing better. So, I went out and bought new work outfits, and he actually complimented me on one of them.

Third, we moved into our new building for work. And, as cold as it is here, it's pretty nice.

And, I have my first rehearsal at the Hale tomorrow night. Scary, but exciting. :)

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