Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Christmas Carol

Everyone, here is the press release from my theatre about A Christmas Carol.  I know that some of you don't live close, but, I would love it if everyone who can would come see my show.  It is FREE!  :)  Hope to see you there.  Please note that there are only 6 performances so please call to make a reservation.

Dear Friends,
Last week we announced the opening of "A Christmas Carol" for Nov 28.
However, we've lost our lease and will be leaving the building before the opening of "A Christmas Carol". Owners, Gavin and Sharilyn Grooms, have considered either moving or closing the theatre. We have decided to close. However, our last show "A Christmas Carol the Musical" will continue.  We will perform in the brand new 600 seat auditorium at Centennial Middle School in Provo. As a gift to the community the Grooms' have decided to make this a FREE event. The Grooms family are humbled and grateful to the community for their support that has made this experience and theatre successful.
We have decided to take on a new adventure in the state of Florida.
Please note the following changes below:
Center Street Musical Theatre announces our final production of "A Christmas Carol" -The Broadway Musical"
When: Dec 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20 @ 8pm + Dec 20 @ 2pm
Where: Centennial Middle School
             305 East 2320 North in Provo
Tickets are FREE
Reservations are recommended. Please call 373-4485 .
Thank you very much.
Gavin and Sharilyn Grooms
Center Street Musical Theatre

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some More Thoughts on Proposition 8

So. . .   I've been keeping my mouth shut, but, I would like to step on a soap box for a moment.

My recent thoughts:

1.  I have heard a lot of people compare the issues with gay rights with the civil rights movement, and to me, they are not the same thing.  In my opinion, being a homosexual is a moral issue, being black isn't.  Now, I'm not saying that gay people are immoral, but, I am saying that being gay goes against my moral values.  Now, please note that I said MY moral values.  Please don't attack me because I have different morals than your own.

2.  I have also heard a lot of talk about how if we are following God's plan, we should love everyone, and let them do what they want, as long as it makes them happy.  OK, so, I do love everyone.  I am not trying to say that anyone is a bad person for what they believe, and I believe that God loves everyone.  But, I don't believe that we can turn a blind eye to something we find morally wrong.  Love the sinner, hate the sin.

3.  There has also been a lot of talk about how this has been a "peaceful" protest of Proposition 8.  And, that is a load. . .   I have seen many videos of people who are protesting Prop 8 where they have ripped items out of proposition 8 supporters hands, and thrown them down on the ground and stomped on them.  Now, to me that doesn't seem peaceful.  Now, I honestly don't know if there has been any violence on my side of the issue, so I'm not going to say there hasn't.

The honest truth is that these are MY opinions.  Get mad at me all you want, yell at me, tell me I'm a closed-minded bigot!  Whatever.  But, the last time I checked, this is the United States of America, and I am entitled, neh, legally allowed, to have my own opinion.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Proposition 8

OK, so I've been really trying hard to stay away from this topic, but, if you are a Facebook friend, I'm sure you've noticed that I've started posting things about it lately.  The more I read and understand it, the more I think it should pass.

First off, I think one thing that people need to know is that THIS IS ABOUT CALIFORNIA.  Of course, if it passes there, I'm sure it will move on to other states.  

In California, domestic partnerships have the SAME RIGHTS as actual married couples, so this IS NOT about gay rights.  This is about something much bigger.

Did you know that in Massachusetts they have started teaching children about gay parents in Kindergarten?  And, judges have ruled that parents have NO RIGHT to know what their children are being taught about it.  One man was sent to jail because he believed firmly enough in knowing what his children were being taught.  

If we don't pass Prop 8 in California, we may lose our rights as parents to decide what our children learn.  

Our churches might also lose their tax exempt statuses if they refuse to perform gay marriages.  

Guys, I have gay friends, and I love them to death, but this is not about their rights, as they have the same rights.  This is about making religious persecution constitutional, and I can't have that on my conscious.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Things I Would Never Do

As I looked around me this past week, I saw things going on around me that made me very uncomfortable.  And, I think part of the reason I am single is because these are things I would never do.

1.  I would never tell people I liked a person, and then go to his house to hang out with him and other friends, and cuddle with his roommate, in plain sight of everyone else in the apartment.

2. I would also never cuddle w/ 3 guys in one night, all of which I have no feelings for.

3. I would never throw myself at someone I had no interest in just because someone I know liked them.

OK, I think I'm done ranting.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


So, I haven't posted in a while, and I thought it might be time.

I had some thoughts lately that I wanted to share with you about customer service.  I have worked in the food service industry, and also at Walmart and Blockbuster, so I know about good customer service.

Rules to follow:

1.  Listen to your customers!  ( They shouldn't have to repeat an order 3 times because you weren't listening).

2.  Train your staff to always be helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable.  (If a customer has to wait an exorbitant amount of time for food, they should know why).

3.  Take the extra step.  (If a customer wants to know where something is, bring them to it.  Don't just point.)

4.  Commit to quality service.  (If you work at McDonald's or Sizzler, you should still make it a point to have quality service.  People remember BAD service long after they forget good service.)

5.  Treat people with courtesy and respect.  (We all want it, you should give it.)

6.  Never argue with a customer.  (I know that the customer is NOT always right, but, if you argue with them, they are going to feel more wronged in the end.)

7.  Assume that your customers are telling the truth.  (Most people don't like to complain.  In fact, a lot will go out of their way to avoid it, so take their complaints the way they are meant.  They are unhappy.  Make them happy.)

On the flip side.
Rules for customers:

1.  Know Exactly What You're Complaining About And What Action You Want.  (Don't just say, "I'm unhappy.  What are you going to do about it?"  Have something in mind.  And, make sure it is comparable to the problem.)

2.  Never Demand To Talk To The Manager.  (A lot of times someone else can solve the problem.  And, if they can't, ask politely to speak to the manager.  People are more likely to want to help you if you're polite.)

3.  Address Letters To Individuals.  (No "To Whom It May Concern".  If you write it to a specific individual, they are more likely to get it.)

4.  Keep Your Expectations In Check.  (When shopping at WalMart, do not expect a Nordstrom's experience.  But, do expect good customer service.)

5.  Don't Just Complain. Praise, Too.  (Everyone likes compliments.  It make hard jobs easier.)

OK, I'm done ranting for the day!  :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sometimes They Come Back

I know, I know. . .   Sounds like an ominous title, doesn't it?  Well, for once it's not.  :)

I have just made an observation lately that sometimes friends that you think are lost and never coming back, do come back.  And, things CAN be the same again.

I just thought I would share that insight w/ the rest of you.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Letting Go

There's a song from the Dawson's Creek soundtrack that used to be one of my favorites, and lately, it really has hit me harder than it used to.

Don't call me
Don't write
Don't show up in the middle of the night
You know that
We needed 
Some time and space to breathe in

I still recall the words you said to me
It's what you did not say that sets me free
Now how can I find peace of mind when you keep coming back again?
It's not okay for you to play this game of seesaw with my head

Now it hurts too much
And it hits too hard
And I won't play this part

Don't call me
Don't write
Don't show up in the middle of the night
You know that
We needed 
Some time and space to breathe in

So now I say the things I want to say
Sometimes it's better letting go this way
I'll always know
Down in my soul
We really had so far to go
I've given all I had to give
And now it's time for me to live
And I won't look back
And I won't regret
Though it hurts like hell
Someday I will forget

Don't call me
Don't write
Don't show up in the middle of the night
You know that
We needed 
Some time and space to breathe in

It's funny how we seem to end up here
I never thought I'd see this soul disappear

Don't call me
Don't write
Don't show up in the middle of the night
You know that
We needed 
Some time and space to breathe in

And this is letting go
This is letting go 
This is letting go
This is letting go

Don't call my, don't write
Don't show up in the middle of the night
To say that you've been thinking
Cause I know it's just a dream getting you.

I don't know why, but I just love those lyrics.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A New Endeavor

Friends and family. I am embarking on a new endeavor of hand made jewelry. The jewelry items are made with glass beads, semi-precious gemstones, and hypoallergenic accessories. The jewelry comes in a set, with one bracelet, and a pair of pierced earrings. The bracelets fit the average size woman's wrist. The price is $10 for the set. If you don't live in Utah, I am willing to ship for a $2 fee. Please let me know if you see anything you like, and I will try to update the pics on this once or twice a week with new items.

Also, I always carry jewelry with me, so, if I'm around, and you want to look, just ask. :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Taking a stand!

Well. . .   lately things have been bugging me a lot, and, today, I decided to take a stand for one of them, and I'm really glad I did.  It turned out to be just a misunderstanding, so there was no reason for me to be mad in the first place.  :)  Yea!!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I am a normal girl. . . 

Except when I'm not.

I had the opportunity to go to the Manti pageant last Friday night, and well, let me tell you that I think I really embarrassed myself.

I have to start off by telling you that I had gotten up on Friday morning at 4:30 am because I had to take my mom to the airport.  Then, I worked a full day at work without a break.  And, had to go home and pack stuff because I am house sitting while my mom is gone visiting my sister.  So, by the time we left for the pageant, I was a little bit tired.

The ride there was pretty uneventful, except for the fact that the girl I didn't know who came with us thought I was married w/ children, because I kept referring to "my kids."  (BTW, "my kids" are the kids I am directing in Les Mis.  It's just easier to say "my kids" then to say, the kids I am directing.)

Anyway, when we actually got to the pageant, that is when the ADD kicked in.  After we found a place to sit, all I could think about was cotton candy.  I believe one of my sentences consisted of, "Oooo, cotton candy, I want some. . .   Check out that cool dog. . .   Oh, a live band on a couch, that's cool. . .  So, does anyone see the cotton candy stand yet?"  And, lets just say that the night continued to progress from there.

I should tell you that when you are watching the Manti pageant, the people running around on the hill in the dark look like ants.  And, normally, that probably would affect you, but, when you are running on 4 hours of sleep, and have been awake for about 20 hours, it is pretty dang funny.  Also, long, biblical words are very, very humorous, right Barbara?  

Anyway, on the ride home, I really got the giggles, and was making the stupidest comments.  I think there were more about cotton candy, trail mix, swedish fish, and maybe more.  The ride home was kind of a blur.  Let's just say that I was very happy to make it home to sleep that night.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I love bowling.

I went last night for the first time in years.  It was a fun night.  As most of you know, I injured my wrist last week, so, it was kind of scary to go bowling, but, because of my injury, I was very careful and controlled with my bowling.  In the first game, I did ok, I broke 100, but, the second game was spectacular (for me)!! I bowled 157.  I think that's the highest score I've had since high school, when I used to go bowling by myself and play, like, 4 or 5 games.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

TAX DAY!!!!!!

Those words bring dread into the hearts of many.  But, not this one.  I completed filing my taxes the first day of February, and got my taxes in my bank account a week and a half later.  Does anyone else find it funny that there is this big deal about the deadline of April 15th, but that it is amazingly easy to file an extension?  I think it's pretty funny.  

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

"Well. . .   It was a pretty heavy make out session."

A blank stare from my eyes as my "best"friend uttered these words.  She was referring to what happened between her and the man I was in love with.  I would come to find out later that "a heavy make out session" meant kissing once, shortly, on the lips, nothing fancy.  But, in her rush to make me back off, and hurt me permanently, she called it a heavy make out session.  Mission accomplished.

I can honestly say that a lot of the problems I have stem from that moment.  I still remember the feeling I had when she said those words.  It felt like I was being dropped down a long pit with no safety net at the bottom and no bun-gee cords attached to me.  It was a scary feeling.  I think I have finally hit the net I was waiting for, and most of the pain is gone.