Tuesday, October 07, 2008


So, I haven't posted in a while, and I thought it might be time.

I had some thoughts lately that I wanted to share with you about customer service.  I have worked in the food service industry, and also at Walmart and Blockbuster, so I know about good customer service.

Rules to follow:

1.  Listen to your customers!  ( They shouldn't have to repeat an order 3 times because you weren't listening).

2.  Train your staff to always be helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable.  (If a customer has to wait an exorbitant amount of time for food, they should know why).

3.  Take the extra step.  (If a customer wants to know where something is, bring them to it.  Don't just point.)

4.  Commit to quality service.  (If you work at McDonald's or Sizzler, you should still make it a point to have quality service.  People remember BAD service long after they forget good service.)

5.  Treat people with courtesy and respect.  (We all want it, you should give it.)

6.  Never argue with a customer.  (I know that the customer is NOT always right, but, if you argue with them, they are going to feel more wronged in the end.)

7.  Assume that your customers are telling the truth.  (Most people don't like to complain.  In fact, a lot will go out of their way to avoid it, so take their complaints the way they are meant.  They are unhappy.  Make them happy.)

On the flip side.
Rules for customers:

1.  Know Exactly What You're Complaining About And What Action You Want.  (Don't just say, "I'm unhappy.  What are you going to do about it?"  Have something in mind.  And, make sure it is comparable to the problem.)

2.  Never Demand To Talk To The Manager.  (A lot of times someone else can solve the problem.  And, if they can't, ask politely to speak to the manager.  People are more likely to want to help you if you're polite.)

3.  Address Letters To Individuals.  (No "To Whom It May Concern".  If you write it to a specific individual, they are more likely to get it.)

4.  Keep Your Expectations In Check.  (When shopping at WalMart, do not expect a Nordstrom's experience.  But, do expect good customer service.)

5.  Don't Just Complain. Praise, Too.  (Everyone likes compliments.  It make hard jobs easier.)

OK, I'm done ranting for the day!  :)

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